Embark on a thrilling adventure in the depths of Flames & Fortune, a unique card game that draws inspiration from the popular game Card Crawl. Assume the role of the Pyro-Paladin as you engage in epic battles against goblins, dragons, and other formidable foes using a specially crafted 54-card deck. Your strategic thinking and decision-making skills are essential for survival, while triumph will open doors to unimaginable wealth. Dare you confront the darkness in pursuit of untold riches?
Utilize your resources to draw cards and vanquish enemies until your deck runs empty. With each turn, new cards will occupy the four slots on the dashboard. Strategically employ essential resource cards from your hands and backpack, and confront adversaries by casting potent spells, sacrificing your own health points, or fortifying your defense with a protective shield to endure enemy strikes. Along your perilous journey, collect precious treasures and deploy hard-earned gold to unlock a plethora of powerful Ability Cards.